Sunday, 29 March 2015

Primo Seal – How to protect your Ipad from water damage?

Have you ever woken up in the morning, reached over for the glass of water to clear your throat, and knocked it right onto your phone or Ipad? Or how about when you reach over to turn the alarm off and knock the water over? You quickly jump out of bed and go into instant recovery mode. It may or may not be too late…. You hope that your alertness and super fast recovery prevent the worst-case scenario, but you never are 100% sure are you?  Well Primo Seal gives you that extra safety net, don’t get us wrong, we are not suggesting that you deliberately dunk your Ipad into the bath or drop your phone down the toilet, but if an accident does happen would you not prefer to know that you have an extra invisible layer protecting your electronics?  We certainly would, and that’s why we developed Primo Seal, for those situations you just can’t charter for.

Primo Seal your electronics today, and plan for the mishaps of tomorrow.

Check out our video of Primo Seal in action here!

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